Join Team ACT in Striking Out ALS

August 21, 2017

Join American Central Transport in the fight to Strike Out ALS! ACT is teaming up with The ALS Association Mid-America Chapter to help make a difference — and there are a lot of ways you can get involved!

Read Tom’s story here.

Add an ALS Decal to Your Vehicle
– 2 decals (blue/grey) = $25
– 2 decals (customized colors) = $35
Contact Josh Mecca at for details.


Order a new Strike Out ALS T-Shirt
– $15 for all sizes up to XL
– $20 for XXL & up
Email Mendy at by August 25th at 12:00pm to put in your order.

Strike Out ALS T-Shirt

Enter the ACT Tonkin Model Truck Raffle
– 1 Ticket = $5
– 3 Tickets = $10
– 8 Tickets = $20
Drawing is September 11th. See Deanna or Dena for details.

ACT Tonkin Model

Walk to Defeat ALS

Be a Fundraising Walker: On September 16th in Kansas City, Missouri, ACT invites you to join us in the annual Walk to Defeat ALS® fundraising event. The one-mile noncompetitive walk is a great opportunity bring hope, raise money to support those in the community with ALS, and spread awareness to find a cure.

Be a Virtual Walker: Can’t make it to the walk? Be with us in spirit and donate to ALS for Tom or to Team ACT:

Check out this slideshow from the 2016 Walk:

Every drops adds up, and your effortssmall or largemake a difference. Join Team ACT and help us Strike Out ALS! Thank you for your support.

Follow our journey on the ACT Facebook Page and share your story with us.

We're Ready When You Are.

Interested in driving with ACT? Call us today to speak with a recruiter or if you're ready, go ahead and fill out an application.